What does eating your veggies and brushing your teeth have in common? They can both be difficult to get your kids to do!
If you’re having a bit of a hard time getting your kids to brush their teeth, then you’re not alone! This is very common especially amongst young children in that 3-8 age group.
Here are some tips on how to get your kids to brush their teeth.
1. Get them to copy you.
Kids love doing anything their parents do. Get the same colour toothbrush then start by standing side by side in the mirror. Get started early, work together to get a routine.
2. Get the fun kids toothpaste or let them choose their own.
If Dora The Expolorer or The Wiggles will make your kids smile bright, then so be it!
3. Make A Game Out Of It
For most people brushing your teeth for 2 minutes is a good minimum amount of time. So create a game to see who can make the most bubbles.
4. Positive Reinforcement
Give them compliments for good oral care. Encourage them through insentives such as stickers. This will lay the foundation for a life long tooth care routine.